Through this project, BIRN Kosovo aims to empower young journalists and lawyers in Kosovo, through capacity-building training courses on accuracy and ethical reporting, access to public documents, and the consequences of inaccurate reporting, among other subjects.
Information Sheet
Funded by Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, led by Kosovo Cicil Society Foundation (KCSF)
Increasing the capacity and professionalism of students of law and journalism in journalistic reporting, access to data, and the legal consequences of incorrect reporting.
Specific Objectives:
- Increasing capacities of young students of law and journalism in fair journalistic reporting, compiling requests for access to public documents, and the legal consequences of inaccurate reporting;
- Raising awareness and public debate about fair journalistic reporting and the safety of journalists.
Main Activities:
- Organising seven training sessions with young journalism and law students on journalistic ethics and the legal consequences of incorrect reporting;
- Offering legal assistance on access to public documents for journalism and law students;
- Distributing 15 scholarships to students of journalism and law universities for conducting joint investigations;
- Editing and publishing 15 investigations in cooperation with students who won the scholarships;
- Producing two TV debates through the TV programmes “Life in Kosovo” and “Justice in Kosovo” on the topic of journalists’ security and accurate and impartial reporting;
- Producing 5 long articles in Krypometër on the accuracy of information.
Target Groups:
- Students of journalism and law;
- Marginalised gender and ethnic groups;
- Civil society.
- 124 students were trained in Improving Research Reporting Standards Through Joint Experiences. The students were from different educational backgrounds, mainly from Journalism and Law. The training included students from the municipalities of Prishtina, Gjilan, Prizren and Mitrovica.
- BIRN Kosovo distibuted 15 scholarships to students interested in investigating on and publishing a journalistic story while applying high journalistic standards;
- BIRN Kosovo opened its legal office to assist students of Journalism and Law with access to public documents, with the aim of verifying facts.