Supporting the monitoring of the Brussels agreement between Kosovo and Serbia and ensuring a transparent and accountable leadership.
Information Sheet
The Balkan Trust for Democracy – BTD
Increased transparency on the implementation of the EU-backed Kosovo-Serbia agreement that specifically affects the lives of citizens at the local level through producing and publishing accurate information for the public.
Specific Objectives:
- Shaping attitudes in order for the community to create a permissive environment for successful prevention of violent extremism;
- Encourage public participation in prevention of violent extremism and the process of building resilience.
Main Activities:
- Monitoring the progress reached in the implementation of the Brussels agreement. All findings will be published as part of the BIG DEAL initiative and will be disseminated across local, regional and international stakeholders;
- Publishing news in Albaninan, Serbian and English regarding the implementation of the agreement, generated by researching and monitoring activities on a bi-monthly basis;
- Producing and publishing TV programs on justice integration and the association of the municipalities.
Target Groups:
- Negotiators,
- Decision makers
- Civil Society
By providing more information to the citizens regarding the dialogue, they will become part of the decision making process, which will improve the relationship between communities in Kosovo and will create a safer environment. All commuities of Kosovo will be involved and will gain knowledge while criticizing, supporting, and pushing for a better implementation of the Brussels Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.