There is a decision from the government of Kosovo to stop the exploitation of gravel from the rivers in Kosovo; this decision is not being respected in the Bistrica River.
The crew of “Justice in Kosovo” inspected the area of Gllavicica and what they found out is that the exploitation of the gravel in this part of Bistrica River was continuing.
After they called the inspectors of mines and minerals the head of inspectors answered that they could not come and stop the illegal exploiters because it was their day off more precisely the day of the constitution.
On another working day “Justice in Kosovo” visited the same area again and tried to contact the inspectorate of mines and minerals on the phone again.
The answer was the same they couldn’t come and stop this illegal activity.
The inspectorate was visited in their offices to find out how come they couldn’t do anything to stop the illegal activity after being informed on the phone.
Jahir Gashi the head of the inspectorate said that in Gllavicica they have identified three operators that do this activity.
He also admitted that he saw the recordings of Drejtesia ne Kosove showing the exploitations in this area and immediately after that they send their inspectors there and have sued the three operators.
After the interview the crew visited again same area on Bistrica area, and following the tracks that were filled with gravel they found out that they were being discharged in a separation in the same village that has no working license.
They called again the inspectorate that this time answered positively to the phone call and sent inspectors in this area.
The inspectors arrived after two hours and stopped to vans filled with gravel.
One of the vans was stopped because was filled in a separation with no license to operate. The inspectors found out that it was the company IMN Beton.
The employees on the place do not accept that the vans were filled there.
After that the inspectors did their job and took all the evidences of this illegal activity.
The company IMN Beton that was working in this area is registered under the names of Visa Muriq, Nysret Kastrati, Adnan Spahiaj .
This company was contacted on the number left on the business register body.
Nysret Kastrati answered the phone call that didn’t want to comment.
“For the separation you should talk with the partner Adnan Spahiu “he said.
Spahiu after being contacted on the phone said he would answer on Tuesday but after being called on that day he didn’t agree to give an interview and denied that their company had exploited gravel.
In the same area there is only one company that has the license is Artan Berisha’s company.
He stated in front of the camera that different companies with no license exploit wherever they want.
“For each van I pay to the state 30 euro, the other companies pay nothing so their price is cheaper” Berisha said.
He also said that he informed the inspectors but they did never reacted. “The situation is not good even in other rivers” said Gashi from the inspectorate of mines. “The solution for this situation is in the licensing process, because even the illegal ones are interested to get licenses” added Gashi.
After this story there comes a brief report of a raid of the police in Dukagjini area. The police raid the houses of Elshani family in the village of Ozdrim Peja city.
During the operation some of the houses that the police raided were the wrong ones. One of these houses was Beqiraj Family that was totally surprised from this action of the police.