The municipality of Mitrovica took the risk of paying millions of euros as compensation for the mistakes that were made in the contracts of a custom terminal and a college.
“Justice in Kosovo”, during the investigation found out that the municipality run by Avni Kastrati and Bajram Rexhepi gave both these two subjects the same property to use.
This land property is known as Ibri Island. In 2008 when Bajram Rexhepi was mayor of Mitrovica there was a decision where part of this land would be given to the International College of Business.One year later with another decision, the municipality decided to give this property to the DM Company.
In 2010, they realized they made a mistake when calculating the area of the land, and another decision was taken to take land from the college and give it to the company DM, where his company built the custom terminal. This investment cost around 3 million euro.
Even though the municipality of Mitrovica thought they resolved the problem in 2013, the new mayor Avni Kastrati released another decision taking land from the company DM, giving it to the college
DM Company sued the municipality of Mitrovica and the college is planning to sue as well.
Vice Mayor of the Municipality said that the contract signed with DM company is illegal because it does not have assembly approval.
Bajram Rexhepi and Avni Kastrati who were responsible for the contracts did not want to comment on the case.
The representatives of the college said that they found out that the municipality gave the same land to DM company in February 2013.
They sued the municipality for this situation and asked for compensation. They also informed the donors that the construction of the college will be postponed due to property problems.
The representatives of the college also informed the Ministry Of Education as it is one of the donors, and asked from them to clarify this issue with the Mitrovica municipality.
Ram Buja said that they contacted the municipality and got the answer that he was not aware that this case is now a court case.
Dardan Shala from DM Company said that the situation created is threatening their whole project and they are preparing all the documents to sue the Mitrovica municipality.
Moreover the conflict of land property created between the international college of business and the DM Company is not the only one. Part of the land that was given to the college according to documents is not the municipality’s property and it belongs to the Directory of Water.
Safet Kamberi vice mayor of the Mitrovica municipality said that former executives of the municipalities are the only one who should be held accountable regarding this conflict