Problems of the Judicial Reform

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On August 31, 2014 “Justice in Kosovo” aired a program discussing about the difficulties of the implementation of the judicial reform in Kosovo

After having broadcasted several programs that showed the conditions of judicial in the main municipalities in Kosovo, “Justice in Kosovo” discussed with the head of the Judicial Council Enver Peci.

Regarding the insufficient number of judges Peci said that this came as a result of the reform in the judicial system. Judges that were not properly qualified were fired by their positions.

On the other hand the number of cases has increased and a lot of them are inherited by the past, this has brought to the situation that the actual judges cannot manage to treat all the cases.Peci added that it takes time to prepare professional judges,

Another problem faced is, bad conditions of working environments, and spaces. According to Peci this conditions will not change if the budget will not increase.
He also said that they made a request for budget increasing but it was not approved by the members of the parliament.

Peci said that on the hearing session for budget planning in the parliament all the deputies of the parliament agreed that the budget for the Judicial should increase and he is surprised how they didn’t vote for this.

Peci also declared that the conditions of the Council buildings are worse than the buildings of many courts all over Kosovo.
The only hope for better environments is the Palace of Justice. We are waiting to be transferred in the new building as soon as the Palace of Justice where the conditions will be better.

Another problem discussed was the Appeal Court missing 6 judges. Peci according this problem said that they have finished the interview with potential judges and till the end of August they will start to work by the Court of Appeal.

The court of Appeal is also missing a web page, according this Peci said that the web page is getting finalized and will be ready to use in short time.
The problem of the web page is present also in other courts in Kosovo, but what is more concerning is missing of judges.

The basic Court of Pristine needs 22 more judges to work in normal conditions, regarding this Peci said that he is aware but he repeated that it is impossible to have this number of professional judges nowadays.