Life in Kosovo discusses the success of the school year

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Life in Kosovo broadcasts a debate on the end of this school year, as the inaugural broadcast of a new section called “Youth in Kosovo”.

How are students in our country being evaluated? Is anyone evaluating teachers and professors, or the Ministry of Education? How long will people who have not studied at all still be allowed to graduate in Kosovo? Should we be satisfied with the final results of the national graduation exam and achievement exam?

To discuss these and other issues related to the success, and otherwise, of students in this school year, journalist


Muhamet Hajrullahu has invited the following guests to the studio:
Nehat Mustafa, deputy minister of Education;
Osman Beka, director of “Sami Frashëri” high school;
Isa Elezaj, from Vetëvendosje; and
Jusuf Thaçi, an expert of educational issues.

In the context of the debate, BIRN will broadcast a new section, Youth in Kosovo, produced by youths of between 14 and 20 years of age, who will talk about education in Kosovo.

At the end of the show, BIRN will broadcast a report by journalist Edona Musa about the firing of directors in Vitia municipality’s schools.