Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Albania (BIRN Albania), as part of the project ‘Exposing Illicit Wealth in the Albanian Justice System’ supported by the Democracy Commission Small Grants Programme of the US Embassy in Albania, will organize one training session in investigative journalism techniques in the field of assets declaration in the country.
BIRN Albania is seeking 10-12 mid-career journalists from all the regions of Albania to attend the investigative journalism training workshop on March 9th 2016, in Tirana.
Introduction to the training:
The training serves to provide a guide to the basic methods and techniques of investigative journalism as well as an overview of the asset declaration system and procedures in Albania. It aims to strengthen the skills and training of mid-career journalists to look closely at systemic issues of illicit wealth and conflict of interest, with a special focus on the red flags raised by the audit of asset disclosures by judges and officials of the justice system.
Who should attend:
The training targets mid-career journalists in Albania who are interested to deepen their knowledge of investigative journalism techniques and asset declaration procedures. Journalists from other regions outside Tirana are encouraged to apply. BIRN Albania will cover travel costs for journalists outside Tirana.
Training objectives:
The outcome for participants will be:
1. Improved understanding of Albania’s asset declaration system;
2. Improved applied methods and techniques of investigative journalism.
Application procedure:
Interested candidates must send a CV and letter of interest to [email protected]. Applications for this training close on Sunday, March 6. Successful candidates will be informed shortly thereafter.
The journalists who take part in the training will participate in a competition from which BIRN Albania through an independent jury will select story ideas for five investigations and five in-depth analyses related to judges’ asset declarations that will be funded from the project and published with the help of BIRN editors via the online publications and