BIRN Launches Cross-Border Investigative Story Fund

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The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network is launching a Fund for Cross-border Investigative Stories covering countries in the Western Balkans.

The fund is intended to increase cooperation between journalists in the region and their knowledge and skills through joint cooperation on cross-border investigative stories.

The stories should be original, evidence-based and rich in context, showing new or broader insights into the region.

Who can apply?

Regional teams with professional freelance or staff journalists are eligible to apply for the fund. Journalists can also apply individually, and BIRN will help them by connecting them with reporters in other countries to form a cross-border team. Teams and stories must be based in at least two of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

Please read our editorial guidelines before applying.

In case your story also includes countries in Eastern Europe, check our Reporting Democracy grant scheme.

How to apply?

Applicants should complete and submit only one application with one proposal. The application must be completed in English.

Proposals should be developed independently by applicants. It is your responsibility to ensure you can devote enough time to researching and reporting the story and publishing the final article through BIRN, and, where necessary, gaining prior consent from your employer.

If you are employed by other media, we can work with you and your outlet for a joint-bylined article.

Candidates are obliged to provide at least one example of their writing along with the application form. Sample articles may be in English or local languages.

BIRN will provide logistical, financial and editorial support for the stories. Fees may vary depending on the complexity of the story, while the maximum amount per journalists in the team is 1,200 euros.

We don’t have a deadline, but we want to read your pitches sooner rather than later!

For more information, contact: [email protected]

The Fund for Cross-border Investigative Stories is enabled through Strengthening Quality Journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey project, financed by the European Union.