BIRN Kosovo Holds Training on Advanced Fact Checking Techniques

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On November 25, 2022, BIRN Kosovo in cooperation with Gracanica Online held a training session on conducting research and investigations using advanced fact-checking techniques.

The training brought together 23 journalists, nine of whom were women, from different communities in Kosovo who represented: Ulpiana Press, Gracanica Online, Radio Television of Gracanica, Riznica, representatives of Civil Society organisations (The Ideas Partnership, Balkan Sunflowers Kosova, and CPT), and students from Graçanica, Prishtina and Mitrovica.

Participants learned more about the techniques of fact-checking standards and how to report based on them, what reporting discrimination is, and how to promote media literacy through traditional and online media.

The training was delivered by BIRN editors Kreshnik Gashi and Visar Prebreza, who have extensive experience in carrying out investigations and reporting, as well as in providing training for media and relevant stakeholders.

“As a long-experienced journalist, it is always a pleasure to learn more about treating discrimination as a topic in news and on providing fact-checked news and information,” stated one of the participants, Jelena Mirkovic, from Radio Television of Gracanica.

The training was organised as part of the “Addressing Misinformation Through Fact-Based Journalism” project, which is implemented by BIRN Kosovo and supported by UNMIK.

The aim of the project is to help combat the spread of fake news and disinformation in Kosovo by raising the public’s awareness of these phenomena, while promoting and supporting fact-checking journalism.