At the first meeting with the Vice-President for Europe and Central Asia, Mr. Philippe Le Houerou and South Eastern Europe Director Ms. Jane Armitage, Jeta Xharra raised the issue of New Kosovo lignite power plant plans and pointed out the WB’s lack of transparency in their country web-site and technicalities that arise from the Bank’s published ToR for the work of the Expert Panel evaluating the Kosovar project.
During the meeting with US Congress and State Department Jeta Xharra presented to the USIP audience issues related to the freedom of press, touching also political matters and the ongoing developments related to the energy projects.
The meeting was held with the Helsinki Committee staff and Eliot Engel’s office on political, freedom of information and energy matters.
A technical presentation was given to European Executive Directors of the World Bank; SEE Director Jane Armitage, Kosovo Director of WB Jan-Peter Olters and New Kosovo Power Plant technical team; Lagarde and Zoellick, on the problems related to the project and their reflection on WB’s mandate as well as how the ESKOM project reflects the problems raised about Kosovo.
Whereas, Mr. Robert Zoellick World Bank’s President addressed the CSOs together with Lagarde that Kosovo is a win-win project, which according to him will allow the country to address the energy problems and close down the most polluting plant in Europe. Xharra asked him if he was ready to carry the burden of another ESKOM in Kosovo, when no proper alternative energy studies were carried out and not much was done in solving energy accountability issues.
Zoellick expressed his optimism on this project even though they were put in a position where they had to decide whether they wanted to help or raise their hands altogether off this project ; both options remain open at this stage.
Other meetings with NGOs from around the world were held, Xharra had a TV interview with Voice of America and Daniel Serwer, and other World Bank Departments were visited and meetings with different heads of the WB were held. Overall, the week served well to raise the issues related to the Kosovar projects at the highest levels of the Bank.