Questions to be covered include: What did the four teams from the Ombudsperson institution see during Vetëvendosje’s (Self Determination) protest at the weekend? Who does the Ombudsperson say started the violence first?
Among the protesters, who began to throw stones at the police? Who will Vetëvendosje fine regarding the violence caused during the protest? Will the government or the police change their approach to managing Vetëvendosje’s next protest, planned for the upcoming weekend? What measures of reciprocity is the government considering?
Is there any institutional approach that Vetëvendosje can or would use to push through the implementation of the motion they desire?
Participants in the debate will be:
Mimoza Kusari – Minister of Trade and Industry;
Blerand Stavileci – Minister of Agriculture;
Sami Kurteshi – Ombudsperson;
Shpend Ahmet – from Vetëvendosje; and
Galuk Konjufca – from Vetëvendosje.
Also, journalist Alban Selimi interviewed Nijazi Gashi, director of UCCK (University Clinical Center of Kosovo) on how people convicted for serious crimes were selected for heads of the clinic.