Life in Kosovo debates quarrying

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Life in Kosovo will broadcast a debate on the operation of quarries in Kosovo.

Questions to be discussed will include: Why does Kosovo have so many quarries? What problems have arisen as a result of quarrying operations? What damage has been caused to the environment by them? Is Kosovo’s cultural heritage endangered by the operation of legal and illegal quarries? What measures should be taken?


To discuss these and related issues, Muhamet Hajrullahu will be joined by the following panellists in the studio:


Dardan Gashi, Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning;

Ahmet Tmava, head of the Independent Board for Mines and Minerals;

Liburn Aliu, deputy head of the Parliamentary Commission for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Spatial Planning; and

Arsim Vllasaliu, from the Association for Rural Tourism in Novoberdo.


As part of the show, BIRN will broadcast a report by Alban Selimi, who will speak about the operation of legal and illegal quarries in Kosovo, and the measures that need to be taken against them.


Closing the show, BIRN will broadcast a documentary about how fully the law on smoking is being implemented in Kosovo’s municipalities.