The program focused on a citizen from Mitrovica who lives in Finland that bought an enterprise. Since then, the investor cannot access in his property. The current user of the property is in question and told him that the new investor should not invest in that property without consulting him in advance.
Buying “Ylli,” an enterprise from KPA, in the center of Mitrovica, has become more complicated for Nexhat Krasniqi than he initially thought since the current users of the property have refused to vacate the premises. As a result, Nexhat Kastrati cannot access his property that cost about 200,000 euro.
The tender for this property was announced last May. Meanwhile three weeks later, on June, 21, Kastrati was invited by KPA to sign the contract according to “Justice in Kosovo.”
During the program, Kastrati accused businessmen Kasim Beqiri and Bekim Shyti, former KLA commanders of pressuring him under a non-signing contract to sell his property to them for another amount of money that he had privatized.
However, Beqiri has used this premise since 2006. As Beqiri said, he has paid about 170,000 euro in rent to the KPA management and has invested other 120,000 euro.
The first call he received was June 2013: “The individual who has rented the premise, Kasim Beqiri, on June 21 when KPA made a decision, called me…and expressed his desire to have a coffee with me,” Kastrati said.
Kastrati told “Justice in Kosovo” that he met him for coffee.
“We have met in Skenderaj, and he told me that it wasn’t good choice that i have offered a tender amount to buy the “Ylli” enterprise,” Kastrati said.
“Kasim told me to withdraw from this business because you cannot buy this enterprise if some of us will not sacrifice the life,” he added.
He continued to explain that he has received some other calls from former KLA commanders. On June, 26 2013, a few days after KPA have announced me as a winner of the tender; he received another call which required him to withdraw from the tender. According to him, the person who contacted him was Bekim Shyti.
“He was presented on behalf of Bekim Shyti and told me that he bought the enterprise. Among others he said that he has contributed to make Kosovo free…Shyti is former KLA commander from Shala,” he concluded.
Contacted by “Justice in Kosovo,” Shyti denied that he threatened anyone and also rejected other charges that Katrati has raised against him.
Nexhat Kastrati reported his case to the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Police started to investigate.
“We have received a complaint, which has been reported by Nexhat Kastrati. The investigators have interviewed all pairs involved and the case liability was reviewed,” said Besim Hoti, spokesperson for Kosovo Police in the Mitrovica region.
Justice in Kosovo contacted the officials of this prosecution and they have confirmed that they have received this criminal charge against Kasim Beqiri and Bekim Shyti.
Based on Criminal Code of Kosovo, the offense of liability is punishable up to ten years in jail. Threatening investors who privatize the properties of the Kosovo Privatization Agency are already known to this institution.
KPA officials were not informed that investors of this property have been threatened; although they have confirmed that there are a several cases where investors of privatisation are threatened and ordered to withdraw.
The program unveiled that even after five months of Kastrati privatizing the enterprise, Beqiri is still using it.
Legally, the Kosovo Trust Agency does not oblige the buyer to use its privatized property.
“The owner of the property can address its complaints to the relevant authorities,” said Kaloshi.
According to him, after signing the contract or when the property is returned to the buyer, the last is obliged to take legal action in order to facilitate access to his/her property or premise.
In this regard, lawyer Dreshaj, said that these cases can take years to resolve. Dreshaj pointed out that there are a vast number cases from 2003-2005 that remain unresolved.