Questions covered include: On what grounds are the Serbian police arresting citizens from the Republic of Kosovo? Why and how were officers from Kosovo’s police force arrested by their Serbian counterparts? After these arrests, will the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia continue? How is Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Daciq using these arrests for political advantage within Serbia, at a time when the elections are about to start? How should Kosovo respond politically after this incident?
To discuss these issues and more, Muhamet Hajrullahu has invited the following guests to the studio:
Anton Quni – an MP from the LDK; Ahmet Isufi – an MP from the AAK; Florin Krasniqi – MP from Lëvizja Vetëvendosje; Florian Qehaja – Executive Director, Kosovo Center for Security Studies.
BIRN will also broadcast a report about the level of transparency shown in Kosovo’s municipalities. To what extent is the Law on Local Self-Government being respected, as well as the Administrative Instructions on Transparency?
Life in Kosovo is broadcast every Thursday at 8:20PM on RTK, and is repeated the following day at noon.