The conference will explore ways of bridging the gap between judicial institutions, local authorities and the media in the Western Balkans by sharing best practice. Conference participants will discuss judicial transparency and timely, objective and reliable reporting on crimes committed during the conflicts of the 1990s, as well as the institutions and mechanisms for dealing with these crimes.
The Conference will utilize the expertise of international war-crimes experts, legal experts, and journalists who specialize in war-crimes reporting.
More than 60 people from the region, as well as representatives from the Hague Tribunal and international non-governmental organizations and media have already confirmed their participation in the conference.
As part of the event a thematic evening on “Limits of Freedom of Speech” will be convened. Discussion will focus on the role of the media in war reporting and in reporting crimes.
On the final day, September 3, a workshop will be organized for media representatives, on court reporting and respecting professional standards and the law on free access to information.
Since 2004 BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina has been one of the key actors in bringing justice closer to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. For five years now its highly acclaimed Justice Report news agency has provided daily coverage of war-crimes trials and transitional justice issues.
BIRN is the only organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina which has provided a daily record of testimony and trials before the State Court of BiH War Crimes Chamber since the Chamber was established.