Life in Kosovo debates preparations for 2009 elections

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Thursday’s Life in Kosovo discusses the local elections scheduled for November 2009.

How are the preparations for the 2009 elections progressing? What have we learnt from elections in 2007? Who will count votes this time? What is happening with the possibility of camera surveillance?

To discuss these and others related to organising and managing the 2009 local elections, the following will join Muhamet Hajrullahu in the studio:

Nesrin Lushta, head of the Central Elections Comission, CEC ;
Mazllum Baraliu, legal expert and the former head of the CEC Secretariat;
Ibrahim Makolli, vice head of the New Kosovo Alliance, AKR ;
Leon Malazogu, analyst and the former leader of the Democracy in Action
coalition who monitored the 2007 elections;
Burim Ramadani, secretary of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK

BIRN will also broadcast an exclusive interview with the President of the
Republic of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, about this year’s local elections.

Life in Kosovo is a co-production between Kosovo Public Television, RTK and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN. It is broadcast every Thursday, starting at 20:20.