BIRN BiH to Extend Justice Coverage to Lower Courts

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Bosnia and Herzegovina is to extend its coverage of
transitional justice and war crimes trials in the country to the
lower courts.

expansion of its highly-regarded Justice Report news service has been
made possible by the USAID Justice Sector Development

In the second half of 2007, BIRN BiH will produce a
series of articles and case studies focusing on cantonal and
district courts eligible to prosecute war crimes trials. BIRN will
also analyse the common problems and obstacles these courts face in
trying such cases.

BIRN BiH has covered the war crimes trials
before the State Court of Bosnia  and Herzegovina since the
beginning of 2006, making Justice Report the only comprehensive
database of domestic war crimes prosecutions.

To read or
subscribe to Justice Report, please visit
or to find out more about our transitional justice programme
please write to BIRN BiH director Nerma Jelacic at
[email protected].