Journalist Boris Georgievski, author of the series of investigations called “Dossier Telecom”, produced for BIRN Macedonia online publication Prizma, won the first prize of the European Union for investigative journalism for 2015.
The BIRN team also won the second prize for its investigation and database, “Skopje 2014 Uncovered”.
The third prize, for young investigative journalist, went to Telma journalist Biljana Nikolovski.
“Dossier Telecom” analysed the voluminous evidence files from the New York Court case conducted against former leading figures in Magyar Telekom, accused of bribing government officials in Macedonia.
The research shed new light on the privatization of Macedonian Telecommunications and on the events that preceded it.
“Skopje 2014 Uncovered” contains extensive research that provides new insight into the public money spent on controversially changing the appearance of the Macedonian capital.
The basis of the research is an interactive online database, “Skopje 2014 Uncovered”, which contains all the sums, contracts, suppliers, names of companies and authors as well as investors from the project, and determines the final total cost of the project.
The Skopje 2014 Uncovered database is available in Macedonian and English, and in addition to the summarized data, enables easy cross-analysis of the data by users seeking in-depth information on public money spent on the project.
“Skopje 2014 Uncovered” this year also received the prestigious “Nikola Mladenov” award for investigative journalism.