BIRN Debates Elections In Presevo

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As a regional network of investigative reporting, BIRN will discuss this week about the problems and challenges in the Presevo Valley. This week, three debates will be shown both in Kosovo and Serbia, aiming to inform the citizens of Presevo Valley about the platform of the political parties who run in the parliamentary and local elections in Serbia on May 11.

Few days before local and parliamentary poll takes place, BIRN will discuss with Albanian and Serb representatives from the fields of politics, economy and civil society about the main problems of both Albanians and Serbs living in southern Serbia

Has the Presevo Valley politics a self-identity or it is influenced by Pristina and Belgrade? Do local representatives have concrete projects for bettering the life of the Valley citizens? Why isn’t there potable water yet? Are there enough investments in this region? Why are Albanian and Serb youngsters leaving the valley? What is the perspective of the youth?

The debates will be broadcast in Presevo’s ALDI TV in the last week before the elections take place, in both Albanian and Serbian languages.

In addition, the same debates will be broadcast in the Kosovo public broadcaster, RTK. The debate on local elections in Presevo will be broadcast on Wednesday, May 7, whereas the debate on local elections in Bujanoc will be broadcast on Friday at 23:15.

The debate on parliamentary elections in Serbia and accountability of the local Albanian politicians towards their electorate will be broadcast on Thursday, May 8, 20:15 in RTK.

The following panellists will discuss on these debates:

The following panellists will participate in the general elections debate:

Ragmi Mustafa – Mayor of Presevo
Nikolla Llaziq – Editor of Vranjske Novonine from Bujanoc
Jonuz Musliu – Deputy Mayor of Bujanoc
Andrej Nosov – Youth Initiative for Human Rights
Baki Rexhepi – from SPEKTRI television channel and
Riza Halimi – Head of the election list from Party for Democratic Action and current member of the Serb Parliament

The following panellists will participate in the debate for local elections in Presevo:

Skender Destani – Democratic Union of the Valley, BDL
Dragolub Filipovic – ‘Serb List for Presevo’ Coalition
Riza Halimi – Party for Democratic Action, PVD
Naser Haziri – Citizens’ Group
Orhan Rexhepi – National Albanian Movement, LKSH
Basri Mehmeti – Democratic Alliance, AD and
Ragmi Mustafa – Albanian Democratic Party, PDSH

The following panellists will participate in the debate for local elections in Bujanoc:

Shaip Kamberi – Party for Democratic Action, PVD
Miodrag Milkovic – Citizens’ Group (Grupa Gradjana)
Nenad Mitrovic – Coalition for a Better Tomorrow (Koalicija za bolje sutra)
Jonuz Musliu – Democratic Progress Movement, LPD
Sali Salihu – PDSH- PDK Coalition (Albanian Democratic Party and National Democratic Party)
Dalibor Stanojkovic – Democratic Party of Serbia, DSS
Goran Taskovic- Democratic Party, Election List for Bujanoc – for a European Serbia – Boris Tadic
Mejdi Zeqiri – Albanian Democratic Union, UDSH

These debates have been endowed with the assistance of Youth Initiative for Human Rights, ALDI TV, a local television channel from Presevo, and Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.