BIRN BiH Congratulated on New Project

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The Association of Reporters from the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, AIS, held a meeting on December 23 at which the first TV Justice issue was premiered for AIS members.

Twelve monthly TV Justice programmes will be produced next year. They will be broadcast by local TV stations and on our web page. The first programme features a review of trials conducted before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2009, an interview with a war-crimes convict and interviews with Court officials.

AIS members agreed on the importance of broadcasting this type of programme, with specialized reports on war-crimes trials.

“This programme really succesd; the review of trials has been done in a very good way,” said BH Radio 1 journalist Mirela Hukovic-Hodzic.

Lea Tajic of the Communications Regulatory Agency, RAK, described the end product as “an extremely good job”.

Other AIS members who attended the premiere agreed with these opinions.


Participants at the meeting included Muamer Selimbegovic, FENA, Denis Dzidic, BIRN BiH, Velma Saric, IWPR, Anisa Suceska Vekic, BIRN BiH, Nidzara Ahmetasevic, BIRN BiH, Dragana Erjavec, TV Justice, Aida Alic, BIRN BiH, Merima Husejnovic, BIRN BiH and Erna Mackic, BIRN BiH.

In other business, AIS members agreed to request a meeting with representatives of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Prosecution in order to discuss requests that have been made by this informal advocacy association but which have not yet been fulfilled by the Court.

It was said, once again, that the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina should organize weekly, or at least monthly briefings for journalists, enable access to public documents, such as decisions and resolutions, by uploading them on the State Court’s web page, and publish CDs and photographs from hearings which are open to the

Anisa Suceska Vekic informed participants about the education of journalists from local communities, which BIRN BiH plans to organize next year. She said that AIS members would play an active role in this.

AIS members will discuss future plans of the Association at their next meeting, scheduled for early next year.