Founded in 1940, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund advances social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.
In the Western Balkans, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) has worked since 2001 to achieve restorative justice after the devastating conflicts of the 1990s, to build civil society institutions, and to increase government accountability, especially on matters of environmental concern. It makes numerous grants to organisations working to prepare the Balkan nations to meet the requirements for membership of the European Union.
The Fund focuses on Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to help them complete the process of integration into the EU. The interdependence among the countries, common challenges they face, and the potential they possess together as a subregion of the European Union present a unique opportunity for successful integration. The Fund supports civil society initiatives that advance collaboration and enhance the capacity for sustainable development and enduring peace in the region.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has been an institutional donor to BIRN Hub since 2009.
BIRN Kosovo
The RBF currently provides general support to BIRN Kosovo, in backing efforts to improve practices, performance, transparency, and accountability in governance. It has supported the organisation though projects and general support for a decade.