The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia is in charge of:
- development and improvement of culture and artistic creativity;
- monitoring and research in the field of culture;
- providing a material basis for cultural activities;
- development and improvement of literary, translation, music and stage creativity, fine arts and applied arts and design, film and architecture in the field of other audio-visual media;
- protection of immovable, movable and non-material cultural heritage;
- library, publishing, cinematographic and music-scenic activity;
- endowments and foundations;
- public information system;
- monitoring the implementation of laws in the field of public information;
- monitoring the work of public companies and institutions in the field of public information;
- monitoring the activities of foreign information institutions, foreign media, correspondents and correspondents in the Republic of Serbia;
- informing national minorities;
- registration of foreign information institutions and providing assistance to foreign journalists and correspondents;
- cooperation in the field of protection of cultural heritage, cultural creativity and information in the language and script of the members of the Serbian people in the region;
- establishment and development of cultural-information centers abroad…