Global Investigative Journalism Network

The Global Investigative Journalism Network serves as the international hub for the world’s investigative reporters. From its founding in 2003, GIJN has grown to include 250 member groups in 91 countries. Today, with a staff based in over 20 countries, GIJN works in a dozen languages to link together the world’s most enterprising journalists, giving them the tools, technology, and training to go after abuses of power and lack of accountability.


European Climate Foundation (ECF)

The European Climate Foundation (ECF) is a major philanthropic initiative working to help tackle the climate crisis by fostering the development of a net-zero emission society at the national, European, and global level.

The ECF supports over 700 partner organisations to carry out activities that drive urgent and ambitious policy in support of the objectives of the Paris Agreement, contribute to the public debate on climate action, and help deliver a socially responsible transition to a net-zero economy and sustainable society in Europe and around the world.

It was founded in 2008 by philanthropists to develop solutions and activate political engagement and public consciousness around this global emergency. For the last 15 years, the ECF has been a galvanising force in promoting Europe’s climate leadership.

ECF is part of a highly supportive global network to stimulate climate-related policy work worldwide.


Central European University (CEU)

Central European University was founded in 1991 to support the democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.


The University is deeply international: it is home to students from more than 100 countries and faculty from over 50. The mission of the University, conducted through its 13 academic departments and its world-leading research centers, is to promote open societies and democracy through advanced research and research-based teaching, primarily in the social sciences and humanities.

Web :



Goce Delchev University

Goce Delchev University in Shtip was established in 2007. It was founded initially with seven faculties and one higher school. Nowadays, it offers studies in the following fields: Law, Economics, Mining, Geology and Polytechnic, Agriculture, Computer Science and Information Technology, Music and Higher Medical School, Medical Science, Philology, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Technology and Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics.


Its aim is to create and transfer knowledge to develop social and economic wellbeing and progress in society, preparing students for professions in which the application of scientific discoveries and professional knowledge, cultural and language diversity, the promotion of technological development and the development of arts, technical culture and sport is required.




United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF)

UNDEF was created by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2005 as a United Nations General Trust Fund to support democratization around the world. It was welcomed by the General Assembly in the Outcome Document of the 2005 World Summit (A/RES/60/1, paragraphs 136-137).

UNDEF funds projects that empower civil society, promote human rights and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes. Most UNDEF funds go to local civil society organizations. In this way, UNDEF plays a novel and unique role in complementing the UN’s other, more traditional work with governments to strengthen democratic governance around the world. UNDEF subsists entirely on voluntary contributions from governments; in 2021, it received almost 220 million US dollars in contributions and counts more than 45 countries as donors, including many middle- and low-income states in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In 15 Rounds of Funding so far, UNDEF has supported over 880 two-year projects in more than 130 countries.

Grants ranging from US$100,000 to US$300,000 support initiatives in the areas of:
– Community activism
– Support for electoral processes
– Women’s empowerment
– Media and freedom of Information
– Rule of Law and human rights
– Strengthening civil society interaction with government
– Tools for knowledge
– Youth engagement

UNDEF receives an average of 2,000 to 3,000 proposals a year and only some 50 are selected.




U.S Embassy in Kosovo

The United States has been profoundly committed to seeing Kosovo progress as a democratic, secure, multiethnic country on the path to greater Euro-Atlantic integration. The Embassy continuously works with the Government of Kosovo and members of civil society on a broad range of issues.

The embassy’s priorities stand at insuring improved rule of law and governance that meets citizens’ needs; ensuring Kosovo has sustainable, inclusive economic growth that supports its stability and integration with Europe; ensuring Kosovo contributes positively to regional stability, including by legally transforming its the security sector, countering violent extremism, promoting minority rights, and integrating into Euro-Atlantic structures.



The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)

GFMD, a not-for-profit, Belgian registered organisation, is an international network of around 200 journalism support and media development organisations working across more than 70 countries.

Established in 2005 in Amman, Jordan, and based in Brussels, GFMD’s core value is to support the creation and strengthening of journalism and free, independent, sustainable, and pluralistic news ecosystems. Its main focus is to ensure proper collaboration as well as an exchange of information and experience among its members with a view to creating a strong, independent, and pluralistic media environment, which contributes to the development of empowered societies.




UkraineWorld is an English-language multimedia project about Ukraine run by the NGO Internews Ukraine.

The team produces articles, podcasts, video explainers, reports, analysis, and books about Ukraine in English and other languages.  UkraineWorld focuses on explaining Ukraine and its culture, covering the most important developments in and around the country, as well as counteracting anti-Western propaganda and disinformation.





Transitions (TOL) is a nonprofit organization established to strengthen the professionalism, independence and impact of the news media in the post-communist countries of Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Transitions does this through a combination of journalism and media training programs, and the publication of Transitions Online magazine.

TOL was established in April 1999, the month after the publication of the final issue of its print predecessor, Transitions magazine.



Notes from Poland

Notes from Poland was founded in 2014. It provides regular summaries of news from Poland, along with the insights, context and background necessary to make sense of what is happening in the country.

This grassroots social-media service rapidly grew into the leading independent source of English-language news about Poland.

The portal is published by the Notes from Poland Foundation – a registered NGO in Poland.
