SEE Digital Rights Network Members Chart Forward Path in Bosnia

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Attending organisations agreed to chart a path to advance digital rights advocacy efforts across the network and foster collaboration – focusing on education and promoting advocacy initiatives among Network members.

BIRN assembled key national stakeholders from the SEE Digital Rights Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina to discuss digital rights challenges and opportunities in the Balkans.

Highlights of the national SEE Digital Rights Network meeting in Sarajevo on July 28 included the review of the Network’s successes, presentation of the attending organisations’ upcoming initiatives and plans for BiH Network members’ work in the short term.

With the organisations that participated in the meeting, BIRN BiH representatives shared methods on how the organisation monitors digital rights violations within Bosnia and described their work on developing cybersecurity policy papers and creating educational content to raise awareness about digital rights.

The Citizens’ Association “Zašto ne (Why not)”, well known for its accountability websites, Istinomjer and Raskrinkavanje, continues to enhance transparency and promote responsible digital citizenship in their work. They also expressed interest in developing digital literacy and security initiatives, especially for the elderly.

The Center for Investigative Reporting, CIN, is actively involved in a regional project against hate speech, demonstrating the importance of civil society’s role in digital spaces. With an eye on the future, CIN showed interest in projects related to artificial intelligence and its potential influence on digital rights.

Finally, the Sarajevo Open Centre, SOC, shared news about its work on monitoring EU laws and amendments to the law on freedom of information and personal data protection efforts. SOC is also assessing the impact of artificial intelligence on the LGBT community and women’s rights.

The meeting showcased a shared enthusiasm for collaboration among Network members, especially in education and advocacy for digital rights.

Participants agreed on the need for a concise survey to coordinate and streamline digital rights activities within the Network. They highlighted the benefits of experience sharing, including both successful and challenging practices from EU Network members, for their cooperative and institutional activities. Emphasizing the value of academia, IT, and digital rights experts, the members agreed to engage with these sectors for stronger digital rights advocacy.

In the following months, BIRN will organise regional meetings to facilitate experience sharing among Network members, to affirm the Network’s commitment to strengthening digital rights advocacy in the Balkans.