Of 573 projects from around the world, 69 were selected in 11 categories.
The competition is organized by Global Editors Network, with support from the Google News Lab, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and in partnership with Chartbeat.
Simon Rogers, Data Editor at Google News Lab, is the director of the DJA competition, which takes place under the presidency of Paul Steiger, chairman of ProPublica’s board of directors.
This year, the prizes will be awarded at a special ceremony at the Hofburg palace in Vienna during the seventh annual GEN Summit on 22 June 2017.
Previous winning organisations include BuzzFeed, Quartz, The New York Times, The Guardian, ProPublica, La Nación as well as smaller organisations such as Ojo Publico, Civio Foundation and Convoca.
The database Foreign investments Uncovered investigates the results of the Macedonian government’s policy of attracting foreign investment.
It shows that the amount of the investments than seven times lower than the goverbnment announced, and that the number of people who gained employment through these investments was three times less than they predicted.