The database of judicially established facts about the war in Bosnia contains information from all judgments passed down by the Hague Tribunal concerning crimes committed, video testimonials by survivors and victims adapted to schoolchildren, as well as class preparation materials with activities to help teachers and professors hold classes on topics from the recent past.
“This significant archival material will be used by the Memorial Fund for educational and scientific-investigative purposes. Precisely, it will be used both for museum collections and affairs, and for the needs of the Memorial Fund’s archives and digital archives and for the establishment of the Museum of Suffering of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the former Kon-Tiki detention camp in Vogosca,” said Memorial Fund director Ahmed Kulanic.
The database of judicially established facts about the 1992-5 war is a BIRN BiH project that was realized from April 2021 to March 2023 with support from the United Nations Democracy Fund.
The project’s goal is to create fact-based sources of information to be used for educational and information purposes, which will contribute to the fight against disinformation and improvement of media literacy.
“We are proud that the database … will now also be used through the activities of the Sarajevo Canton’s Memorial Fund and be permanently available to citizens of BiH, as well as to all other visitors to the archive of the future Kon-Tiki museum, who will be able to acquaint themselves with all judicially established facts about detention camps in Bosnia, while the database will achieve its objective in the fight against crime denial and revisionism,” said BIRN BiH director Denis Dzidic.
BIRN BiH previously gave away the complete content of a video series, “44 – Months under Siege”, containing testimonials by Sarajevo citizens who survived the wartime siege of the Bosnian capital.