The database contains the records of 220 projects with a total investment value of 4.2 billion euros, as well as hundreds of documents related to concessionary companies.
The database was published as part of the project “Following the Money Trail of Public-Private Partnership Projects in Albania,” supported by the Democracy Commission Small Grants of the US embassy in Albania.
The project’s goal is to support increased transparency on Public-Private Partnerships in Albania through open source databases and data-journalism.
In order to achieve its goal, the project conducted a systematic review of the PPP projects, collecting fiscal data and documents in order to aggregate them in this online database, which will enable journalists, researches and the public to understand and evaluate the true costs and benefits of more than 220 PPPs over the last 15 years.
Through this project BIRN Albania has also raised the capacity of local journalists to analyze and visualize this data in order to inform the public on the hidden costs of PPPs through indepth articles, investigations and videos reports.
The database is accessible online in Albanian and English at: