BIRN Albania Holds Workshop on Women’s Representation in Online and Social Media in Elections

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On Tuesday May 28 the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania held a workshop in Tirana on women’s representation in online and social media during electoral campaigns.

Photo: BIRN

The workshop was held as part of the project “Greater Internet Freedom” founded by US Agency for International Development and Internews.

The project aims to enhance awareness of digital rights, with a special focus on women and vulnerable groups.

The workshop was attended by two dozen students from the communication and political science department of the European University of Tirana.

The workshop was held by Kristina Voko, Executive Director of BIRN Albania, who presented the students with published BIRN Albania research on gender representation on social and online media during election campaigns, both at local and national level.

Voko highlighted the data on the online media and social media coverage of the political discourse and portrayal of women, both as political candidates and as voters during the 2023 local elections.

The presentation follows two major campaigns on social media on online rights abuses and the right to privacy and data protection.