BIRN Decade

Ten Years of Making a Difference

We were small group of media enthusiasts who came together at a time when the wounds of war still were fresh. To produce good journalism was the idea that united us and, behind it, a wish to live in a better, democratic place. Above everything, we wanted to succeed. But a thorny road lay in front of us and almost no resources.

Today, ten years later, we have grown into a unique, powerful network, with hundreds of employees and with thousands investigative articles published and TV and radio shows broadcast – in as many languages as exist in the Balkans. Numerous journalists and civil society partners have taken part in our programmes.

To produce groundbreaking investigations, open up taboo topics, confront corrupt governments and allow the voices of weak and the vulnerable to be heard – that was the task that we undertook. This is still the task that we intend to pursue. Join us on that journey.

