Publication inspires humanitarian action

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"Zepa marks anniversary alone", a feature produced by BIRN’s trainees
on the tenth anniversary of the fall of the former enclave in July
2005, has prompted members of the public provide humanitarian support
for people featured in the story.

The article
written last July by BIRN trainees Aida Alic and Ilda Zornic,
highlighted the plight of Camil Basic, 75, who for years has been
living in a wooden hut with no roof or windows and survives with the
help of his neighbours.

A group of young people were so
moved by the article that they tried to help Basic. "I read the story
on your website and then posted it on the internet portal Saraejvo-x,"
Stefan Balorda, one of the youngsters told BIRN. Publication on this
website prompted further offers of help from members of the public.

"I really would like Camil to get a roof over his head because that’s every person’s right," said Balorda.

are now being made to help Basic build a house, provide clothes and
food and money to buy the medicine he needs. The ministry of human
rights and refugess has said it us prepared to help.

followed up on your information and have sent a team to visit Camil
Basic," Mujo Jejna, assistant minister for human rights and refugees
told BIRN.

He said the ministry was currently looking for a donor to help build his house.

If you wish to help Camil Basic get a home you can send a contribnution to the following bank account

Raiffeisen bank

Account number,
(for companies/legal entity) 10-00-06015-0
(for persons/individual) 19-00-50280-6

If you would like to offer any other form of help, email [email protected]