Justice Report at School of Journalism

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Nidzara Ahmetasevic, the editor for BIRN – Justice Report was one of the trainers at the Summer School of Journalism in Sarajevo at the beginning of September.

The school was organised by the Press Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the help of German foundations Konrad Adenauer, Heinrich Böll, DVV International, and the OSCE Mission in Bosnia. Participants were more then 30 journalism students from Mostar, Sarajevo, Tuzla and Banja Luka.

The school programme was based on a theoretical and practical approach towards professional principles of journalism, media law, and self regulation for print media as well as mechanisms for protection of journalists and journalism. Ahmetasevic spoke about recommendations for court reporters, pointing out the importance of paying respect to press codes and roles defined by it. The school will be organised in the next year in all of the cities where the students are coming from, and BIRN – Justice Report editor will be among the trainers.