BIRN Bulgaria Starts Building Minorities Reporting Network

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BIRN Bulgaria will conduct a three-month-long minorities reporting project from April 20, 2007. The aim of the project is to address and counter cases of systematic campaigning against minorities and bad journalistic practices, of which Bulgarian media are often crticised. BIRN intends to develop a network of Bulgarian journalists to report on minority issues.

The core training will be conducted during a three-day session at the beginning of May. Five BIRN Bulgaria journalists and contributors will take part in workshops, after which, with the assistance of BIRN’s editorial team, the journalists will work on analysis pieces and features dealing with issues faced by the Bulgarian Muslim community. All of the texts produced will be included in a Balkan Insight special package and translated into English and all the region’s local languages.

This project is part of BIRN Bulgaria’s long-term programme to foster tolerance and mutual understanding in the country, through the dissemination of reliable and in-depth analyses on crucial topics and the improvement of Bulgarian media professionalism. It will also strengthen BIRN’s capacity and positively affect media in the Balkans, which widely republishes the organisation’s articles.

The project is supported by the US Department of State.