BIRN BiH Launches War Crimes Guide and Court Reporters’ Association

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BIRN BiH and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are to bring together media representatives
and judicial officials for a presentation and discussion on media and war
crimes trials at a special event on January 30.

The Sarajevo meeting will launch the projects planned by BIRN BiH and KAS
for 2006 in the field of reporting war crimes proceedings at the Court of
BiH; promote the publications ‘BIRN’s Guide to the War Crimes Chamber’
and ‘KAS’s Role of the media in dealing with the past’; and
announce the formation of a new Court Reporters’ Association, relating specifically
to the Court of BiH.

"The aim of this body will be to secure better working conditions for
journalists covering the young court, but also to act as a filter through
which the court can communicate its concerns with a large number of media
in Bosnia," Nerma Jelacic, BIRN BiH director said.

Additionally, BIRN will present its Justice in BiH project for 2006, which
includes the creation of a specialised information service on the Court
of BiH, as well as activities with the civil society sector throughout BiH
and the diaspora.

For more information, contact BIRN BiH country director Nerma Jelacic.