BIRN Serbia and Juzne vesti Train Local Journalists

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BIRN Serbia and website Juzne vesti organized a two-day training course for journalist working for local websites.

The training course was held as part of Digital Media Action for Freedom of Expression in Serbia project for journalists from local websites Danas, Maglocistac, Pressek, Forum Info and Bujanovacke.

During the two day, participants had the opportunity to learn how to write for online media, how to pick the right topics and how to find the most interesting ways to present their stories.

BIRN Serbia and Juzne vesti editors gave mentoring support to journalists working on investigations, and future cooperation between the participants was agreed.

BIRN Serbia and Juzne vesti are jointly implementingthe Digital Media Action for Freedom of Expression in Serbia Programme.

The programme offers website optimisation, editorial standardisation, training in investigative and analytical journalism, mentoring support for journalists, the development of public and social network profiles, and content exchange and cooperation on the local and national levels.

The programme continues for six months and includes four local websites in Serbia – Maglocistac, Pressek, Forum Info and Bujanovacke.