BIRN Kosovo Holds Training for the Members of the Municipal Assembly in Vitia

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On February 27, 2024, BIRN Kosovo held a one-day training to present the strategic vision of the National Strategy for Preventing and Countering Terrorism for the Municipal Assembly of Vitia, in Viti.

Photo: BIRN Kosovo

The training addressed the matter of the P/VE, R&R, and other forms of extremism. Also, it addressed the strategic vision of the strategy on the local level with an emphasis on the Municipal Assembly’s role in countering violent extremism and terrorism.

A total of 10 participants, 5 of them women, gathered for this training, which started with introducing the objectives of the National Strategy for Preventing and Countering Terrorism 2023-2028. The focus was on countering religious extremism and far-right extremism on the strategic vision of this strategy presented by Kreshnik Gashi – A member of the Working Group on drafting the National Strategy for Preventing and Countering Terrorism. Gashi presented his experience in contributing to the finalization of these documents and explained the objectives of this strategy.

Mensur Hoti – Director of the Department for Public Safety in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, focused his attention on the role of the local authorities in fulfilling the objectives of the Strategy. An important part of this presentation was oriented on discussing the current situation on preventing radicalism and violent extremism that leads to terrorism.

The participants were very active in sharing their experiences and addressing the current situation in their municipality. Among other issues discussed, they also highlighted the fact that they did not receive the National Strategy for Preventing and Countering Terrorism 2023-2028. As a result of them being more informed during this training session, they mentioned that besides the Strategy they will ask the Mayor to receive the Action Plan and agreed to be more vocal in their municipal assembly regarding P/VE, R&R, and other forms of extremism.

This training was held as part of the ‘Resilient Community Programme’ founded by GCERF.