BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina Sectors


BIRN BiH’s team of dedicated journalists and editors regularly provide the public with high-quality print and broadcast news on judicial processes and issues of transitional justice via its signature product, Justice Report.

The organization’s advocacy network and capacity building efforts transfer the knowledge and expertise to media and judiciary representatives across the country.


BIRN BiH’s media production includes both B/C/S and English language news and analysis. The organization’s acclaimed Justice Series Programme specializes in monitoring and covering domestic war crimes processing, and issues related to facing the past and establishing the truth.

Its print, radio, and TV editorial outputs raise the standards in professional media reporting.

Publishing & Broadcasting

BIRN BiH produces a variety of media products under its Justice Series Programme, ranging from daily news to regular courtside reports and in-depth investigations. BIRN BiH’s team of journalists focuses on the production of high quality reports on war crimes trials in BiH that are distributed in print, TV and radio format across the country and beyond.

Our team also conducts regular analysis on matters concerning transitional justice, judicial transparency, rule of law and most importantly facing the past. BIRN BiH’s acclaimed news and articles are published under Justice Report and on our regional Balkan Insight web site.


BIRN BiH has established the Association of Court Reporters (AIS), a group of print and electronic media journalists that monitor the work of domestic courts. BIRN BiH organises regular meetings with AIS and local stakeholders with an aim to facilitate dialogue and promote the transparency of judiciary and responsible war crimes reporting.

Our mutual efforts resulted in the adoption of amendments to the National Press Code and Rules for Journalists for War Crimes Trials Reporting. Further, the office has signed a Memo of Understanding with the prosecutors in the Federation of BiH to advocate for the aforementioned principles.


Capacity building is an important part of BIRN BiH's work. Each year, BIRN BiH uses its specially developed programmes for the production of top quality professional material to carry out numerous trainings for both local and regional journalists all over the country.

We also organised journalist trainings at the ICTY and the ICC, and carried out a pilot media-training program for over 400 journalists in Uganda, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, the US and the Balkan region that could be expanded to other conflict and/or post-conflict countries.


BIRN BiH works to promote good governance in the country, using both its publications and its monitoring capacity.

Knowledge Transfer  

BIRN BiH helps build capacity through its efforts to promote dialogue and cooperation between the relevant stakeholders in the country. Thanks to its expertise and reputation, it is able to reach out to various communities in the country and provide much needed advice.

The organisation’s Justice Series Programme maximizes the flow of communication between the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of BiH and local Cantonal and District Courts, the media, and citizens all over BiH.

BIRN BiH’s long term legacy to future generations lays in its one of a kind online multilingual archive which already serves as the reference point for many individuals who are pursuing the topic of transitional justice and war crimes in BiH.
Monitoring & Research

The journalists at BIRN BiH provide a valuable news service to their fellow countrymen and women through their monitoring and reporting efforts. BIRN BiH’s signature product, Justice Report, allows the people of BiH and those outside the country to follow the war crimes trials ongoing throughout the country.

In addition, BIRN BiH constantly follows political and social developments related to the work of the judiciary. Our focused research, analysis, and findings are available in many of our publications.

BIRN BiH provides a variety of training and production services to individuals and organisations interested in transitional justice, professional media development and editorial production.

Courtside Reporting for Journalists

The BIRN BiH team provides clients with thematic trainings focused on transitional justice and war crimes reporting, with a special focus on developing skills for courtside reporting. This training includes an overview of (inter)national journalistic and ethical standards as well as relevant legal frameworks. It focuses on print, TV and radio production of news.

Writing and Analysis for Investigative Journalists

BIRN BiH places strong emphasis on writing and analysis in its reporting practices. It incorporates all the elements of investigative journalism in its work.

If you are interested in ways to further develop your writing skills, gather data, analyze information, evaluate sources, and report for online media in a professional manner, BIRN BiH can help you in achieving this goal.

Public Relations Trainings for Institutions and Organisations

Each year BIRN BiH meets with the judiciary and media representatives from local communities that process and monitor war crimes cases in BiH and we have concluded that there is an insufficient level of cooperation and knowledge in the area of public relations.

Our tailored training programme provides advice and assistance to institutions interested in advancing their cooperation with media, transparency, and crisis communication management abilities.

BIRN BiH possesses tailored training curriculum for journalists interested in war crimes reporting but also offers its expertise to other organisations interested in establishing good PR practices.

TV and Radio Production / Studio Rental

Further, BIRN BiH’s studio allows us to produce television and radio outputs in-house. Our crew and studio is available to media outlets without sufficient capacities for their own production.

We also offer our professional services and equipment to independent documentary producers, journalists and other civil society organisations for TV and radio production of outputs such as short movies/clips, debates, and interviews.

Event and Public Campaign Management

BIRN BiH’s vast experience in the organisation of public events and media relations allows us to efficiently and effectively provide this service to other organisations. This includes the organisation of round table discussions, conferences, press opportunities, debates, and communication with relevant stakeholders.

We are also able to offer advice and assistance to interested individuals and/or organisations on how to develop and implement a successful communications strategy and public campaign.