The foundation works with civil society groups and government agencies to conduct analyses and produce accurate data that will help bring the country in line with EU standards for justice, public administration, anticorruption, governance, and human rights. It also plays a watchdog role by helping civil society organizations and policymakers hold government accountable to meeting its commitments for EU membership.
The foundation helps groups pursue justice by using public interest litigation to address impunity issues that are a significant concern for Albania’s democratic transition. OSFA fosters evidence-based debate by commissioning publicly available research and surveys on governance, social issues, and the economy. Its democracy and justice priorities also include developing partnerships with civil society groups and government allies. By bringing these groups together it address under acknowledged issues such as palliative care and to increase the social, political, and economic participation of marginalized communities such as Roma and people with disabilities.
OSFA funds BIRN Albania’s anti-corruption program, which aims to expose corruption and impunity, through investigative reporting and closer cooperation between journalists and civil society organizations.