Coronavirus Story Grants

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Reporting Democracy is inviting proposals for stories that reveal how the Covid-19 crisis is reshaping politics and society in Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe. Successful proposals will receive a grant of between 500 and 2,500 euros.

No aspect of life has been left untouched by the pandemic. The world as we know it – beyond our windows and our screens – has been transformed. We invite journalists to look among the many stories going untold at the moment. Can you spot an in-depth feature out there, waiting to be written? Can you produce an original analysis that will explain what is really happening behind the scenes?


When pitching your story, you may also want to consider what the response to the pandemic has revealed about the nature of power in your country. How has the crisis deepened inequality and placed further strain on democracies in the region? What has been the impact on human rights and the rule of law? Can we draw any hope from the actions taken by certain people and institutions during this crisis?

If you have interesting ideas for addressing the political and social consequences of the crisis through your journalism, please apply for a story grant. As well as in-depth features and analytical stories, we are also open to commissioning a couple of investigations or story series.

The call is open to freelance and staff journalists from the Visegrad Four countries of Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, as well as the Balkan countries of Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia and Greece.

Applications are limited to one per journalist. Successful candidates will be informed within two weeks of the submission of their applications. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis every fortnight, with applications open until further notice. The first review will take place on May 15, 2020.

Reporting Democracy will provide editorial support, and a platform for publishing and distributing the stories.