It will be followed by a second workshop later in 2019, after which participants will teach courses in investigative journalism in 2020 and 2021.
The training is led by Frederic Frantz from the EBU Academy.
The training is part of an EU-funded project, “Strengthening Quality News and Independent Journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey,” carried by BIRN Hub and its partners. The overall objective of the project is to provide structural support for media freedom and media integrity in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
The three-step approach
- First, participants will attend the 3-day Training of Trainers course and will learn how to design and teach a course for professionals. If needed, simultaneous translation will be provided.
- A second workshop will help participants design courses in investigative journalism. This workshop is planned to be held in Podgorica, Montenegro.
- Participants will then be expected to teach their courses to groups of younger colleagues from their countries, once in 2020 and again in 2021. The course will last one to three days each time. Financial compensation will be provided for each of these training days.
Practical information for prospective attendees:
- The project will cover travel and accommodation costs (if needed).
- The first training will happen in Sarajevo, from September 24 to 26 (TBC).
- The second training will be held before the end of 2019.
- Once a participant delivers his or her first course, he or she will be awarded the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Academy Trainer’s diploma.
How to apply
Send an email to [email protected] with your CV attached by 12:00 on Monday, September 2, 2019.