In the coming days, some 300,000 school textbooks for primary and high schools in Kosovo will be printed. What’s the quality of the textbooks? Are there any scientific inaccuracies? How much information is included in them? Are they suited for their target age group?
Do these textbooks encourage the new generation to think critically or learn information off by heart?
In order to discuss these and other related issues, guests on Jeta Xharra’s
studio will be:
Resmije Kryeziu, Albanological Institute of Prishtina ;
Jusuf Thaci, author of BIRN’s analysis on school textbooks ;
Frasher Demaj, history school textbook author ;
Nehat Mustafa, Advisor on pre-university studies at the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology, MASHT ;
Following the debate, under the section Week’s Highlights, Isa Gacaferi will
present EULEX’s investigations into corruption.
Journalist Edona Musa will talk about specialisations of students at University
Clinic Centre.
Finally, in the section Justice in Kosovo, journalist Faton Ademi will talk about
the decision of the Municipality of Lipjan to destroy temporary buildings that
are located on the railroad, for which the building owners have asked for
The BIRN publication in Albanian language “Problems and Inaccuracies in School Textbooks”,
which was launched on May 7, 2010, during a conference, can be downloaded here.
Life in Kosovo is a co-production between Kosovo Public Television, RTK and the Balkan
Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN. It is broadcast every Thursday, starting at 20:20