The findings of this investigation show how the experts of the Cadaster in the municipality of Malisheva were threatened. Also, the court’s verdicts hurt cadaster’s officials because they did not want to do their job under threat.
The widow Rabishe Mazreku said that she cannot possess the property her dead husband left her even though there is a verdict from the court giving her this right.
This property is usurped by the bother of her husband Bajram Mazreku. Even 7 years after the court verdict was released, she still cannot gain possession of the land.
Bajram Mazreku was contacted by “Justice in Kosovo” but did not want to comment on the case. Haxhi Millaku, Bajram Mazreku’s lawyer said that his client was threatened by Rabishe Mazreku’s family, which she denies.
On the other side, Fadil Shala head of cadastre of Malisheva said their officials were threatened by Bajram Rexhepi when the court verdict was being executed.
On the second part of the program, there was reportage about municipality properties in Malisheva that are disputable.
Qamil Mazreku from Malisheva cannot be compensated for the property that the municipality of Malisheva took from his father Qazim Mazreku.
It seems that they gave a controversial property to Mazreku’s family because citizens from the Carrakulla village pretended to own the land.
Ahmet Hoti from Carrakulla village said that this property belongs to his family as it was bought many years ago by his father.Ragib Begaj Mayor of Malisheva said that he has no explanation for this case and said to contact the municipality’s lawyers.
The lawyer did not want to comment while the camera was rolling and answered with a letter, explaining that the land was given as compensation to the Mazreku family, and that the is property belongs to the municipality. According to him, Hoti’s family has no ownership of this property.
The Hoti family sued the municipality and the Basic Court of Malisheva decided in their favor.But now the case is on the Court of Appeal to take a verdict on this property.