East Serbia BIRN Training Event

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On May 21 – 22, the BIRN Serbia team will travel to East Serbia to interview potential candidates for the BIRN correspondent network.

The network in Serbia includes young and middle-aged journalists from a range of ethnic backgrounds, who work for local media outlets and national media in Belgrade.

As part of its efforts to build a truly nationwide network of journalists, BIRN Serbia is to launch a training course in East Serbia on June 9. Participants will be taught international reporting standards, news analyses and feature writing.

This training session will be followed by a special issue of Balkan Insight devoted to the socio-political situation in East Serbia, an underdeveloped area, blighted by a bad economy, unsuccessful privatization and ecological problems.

This session, sponsored by the British Embassy in Belgrade as part of a three- year journalism training project, will provide a group of five journalists with invaluable opportunities to adopt BIRN’s professional standards and become permanent members of its netw