Present at this debate were: from AKR – Artan Haziri, Myzejene Selmani, Arbnor Pula; AAK – Blerim Kuçi, Jeta Rafuna – Hasani, Smajl Latifi; PDK – Blerand Stavileci, Sabedin Kadriu; LDK – Florije Ibishi – Rudniku, Zef Morina, Ardita Rizvanolli; LVV – Dardan Sejdiu, Albana Fetoshi, Salih Salihu; and NISMA – Afërdita Gjonbalaj – Stublla, Milazim Xani, Shukrie Bytyçi.
When asked how will the state support youngsters that are pioneering in the sphere of Internet Technology, party members answered: NISMA: We will give the opportunity to all the young men and women who work on this sphere by helping to digitize the last village with the last technology. We will support each family by offering Internet for free.“
Moreover LVV said that: Kosovo has the most number per capita of engineers for maintenance of networks in Europe and this potential should be used. So, how do I use this potential?-By enabling companies to provide subcontract services to large companies who will also be freed from income tax so that they can reinvest in technology and thus be competitive”. LDK representative highlighted that: “With the increasing quality of education we will train new generations to use computerization system because every enterprise is now digitized and this must be shown. The procurement system, with new generations who know better to use information systems, procurement will be done with electronically tenders”.
Blerand Stavileci from PDK promised that if they rule with the government, during the next mandate “cherry on top” will be establishment of the Ministry of Information and Technology. Other topics related to development of local production included the promises that varied a little from one party program to the other, concentrated mainly in the lowering the fuel prices for agronomy; increased support for local agronomy etc.