BIRN Kosovo Wins Three Awards in December

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BIRN Journalists win UNDP awards for war against corruption and KOMF award for best report on children rights

BIRN journalists Parim Olluri and Petrit Collaku were awarded the first prize for online story by UNDP and the Journalists Association of Kosovo. 

Their article “The Negotiated Million” published in the newspaper Life in Kosovo, showed how the Post Telecom of Kosovo gave two contracts to a Croatian company which was run by the son of the director of PTK’s business partner.

In the category of best TV story, the first prize went to Kreshnik Gashi from Justice in Kosovo with the story “Besimi doesn’t go to Jail.”

This story showed how Democratic Party of Kosovo didn’t fire from its structure Besim Rexhepi who was sentenced and was escaping from justice.

While BIRN journalist Kaltrina Rexhepi was awarded the first prize for the category of best TV story with the story “Children with Disabilities” by the Coalition of NGOs for protection of the Rights of children in Kosovo (KOMF).

This story showed the difficult life that children with disabilities face when they want to get integrated and attend school.