BIRN BiH Work to Feature in London Art Show

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The Balkan Institute for Conflict Resolution, Responsibility and Reconciliation of the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology earlier this year asked BIRN BiH to collect data for an upcoming London exhibition by one of Bosnia’s leading artists, Sejla Kameric.

The exhibition set to premier in October at London’s Welcome Collection will be dedicated to Forensic Medicine.

Through the use of various original evidence, archival material, photographic documentation, film footage and audio interviews, it will showcase the journey from crime scene to courtroom.

To realise the project, Kameric will use some of the most interesting testimonies and stories that BIRN BiH recorded for its TV Justice show and published via its signature news agency for war crimes trial monitoring, Justice Report.

Kameric’s artwork will take the form of a haunting multimedia installation and an online project hosted on Welcome Collection’s website.

Welcome Collection has been recognized as one of the fastest growing and most influential cultural spaces in London. With over 500,000 visitors a year it is one of the most innovative public venues in the UK.