BIRN continues promoting government transparency and accountability through investigative reporting. BIRN Serbia will continue operating its flagship web platform Javno (Public,, which currently hosts 20 databases that monitor public spending and the work of the judiciary. The watchdog’s searchable databases contain information such as court cases on tax evasion and money laundering, public procurements approved through emergency measures, subsidies distributed to media by local governments, and travel expenses incurred by government officials.
The project will also encourage other media organizations and relevant NGOs to utilize its databases for other investigative, research, and accountability initiatives.
Donor: National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Information Sheet
Main Objective
Promoting institutional transparency and accountability through investigative reporting.
1) Production of investigative articles;
2) Creation of two databases on reconstruction projects for health care facilities, public schools, and energy companies in Serbia;
3) Production of a series of multimedia materials, such as videos and infographics, in order to make the investigative stories more appealing and understandable to the general public.
Target Groups
Local media journalists, state representatives, local-government representatives, public at large, CSOs representatives