Bosnian Ombudsman Praises BIRN BiH’s ‘Integrity’

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The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the few examples of high media integrity in the country, says “Special Report on the Situation and Threats Against the Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina” presented on August 28 in sarajevo.

Erna Mackic, Executive Editor in BIRN BiH

Human Rights Ombudsman Jasminka Dzumhur said that the media situation in the country today is much worse than in previous years.

Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked 65th out of 180 countries in terms of media freedom and the safety of journalists last year, compared to 2006 when it held 19th place.

The authorities failed to ensure the safety of journalists, who were exposed to violence, harassment and intimidation, as well as facing unfavourable economic conditions and a lack of workplace rights.

“Attacks on journalists are attacks on democracy,” Dzumhur stressed.

BIRN BiH was mentioned in her report as a positive example of good practices and media integrity, along with the Center for Investigative Reporting, Buka Magazine and Media Center Sarajevo.

The South-East Europe Media Observatory was quoted in the report as saying that “for a number of years, these organisations have been protecting and promoting values of public service in journalism”.