BIRN Holds Training on Environmental Journalism in Northern Albania

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The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania on June 7 held a training on environmental journalism in the city of Shkodra.

Photo: BIRN

BIRN Albania editor-in-chief Besar Likmeta and environmental activist Aurora Piroviq Zylaj, executive director of Well Point, a local environmental organization in Shkodra, led the training on environmental journalism.

The training, attended by 13 local journalists and civil society activists, highlighted the challenges of raising awareness on environmental crimes in the Shkodra area, where a large number of protected areas and important natural ecosystems exist.

Peroviq Zylaj noted the environmental risks to the Shkodra Lake and the river Buna, while underscoring the important role journalists can play in educating the public on such issues.

BIRN Albania’s Likmeta presented the various support mechanism schemes that BIRN Albania has for environmental reporting and stressed the importance of cooperation with civil society activists.

The training was part of the project: “Building Resilience through Environmental Journalism”, which is co-financed by the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program of the US embassy in Tirana, and implemented by BIRN in cooperation with local journalists.