BIRN Donors and Partners

Donors and Partners

The BIRN office in Romania has received funding from a variety of organisations, including the European Commission, the Project on Ethnic Relations and the Romanian National Agency for Roma People.

In recent years, its main donor has been the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation.

The office regularly partners with local media organisations such as, Dilema Veche, Adevarul, and the Center for Independent Journalism.

Other contributors to BIRN's Romania office include graduates of the BIRN Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence. Fellow Adrian Mogos was awarded a Kurt Schork Award for International Journalism in 2010 and a CEI-SEEMO award for outstanding merits in investigative journalism in 2010. Marius Cosmeanu, also a 2009 alumnus of the Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence, was selected in 2011 for the Milena Jesenská Fellowships for Journalists.