BIRN Hub News and Events


Does Anyone have a plan gets Sofia premiere

Does Anyone have a plan gets Sofia premiere

BIRN’s documentary on Kosovo’s final status Does Anyone Has a Plan? was presented on January 27 at The Red House for Culture and Debates in Sofia.

Does Anyone Have a Plan? to Premiere in Sarajevo

Does Anyone Have a Plan? to Premiere in Sarajevo

The Bosnian premiere of BIRN’s documentary on the future of Kosovo, Does Anyone Have a Plan?, will take place at Sarajevo’s Cinema Meeting Point on February 20 at 17:00.

BIRN Documentary gets own Website

BIRN Documentary gets own Website

To respond to the phenomenal interest shown in BIRN’s latest film, Does Anyone Have a Plan?, a new area has been added to the Network’s website.

Kosovo Documentary in High Demand

Kosovo Documentary in High Demand

Following the final regional premiere of Does Anyone Have a Plan? on February 20 in Sarajevo, BIRN has received dozens of requests for special screenings and debates, as well as television broadcasts.

BIRN Documentary Shown to NATO Political Advisors

BIRN Documentary Shown to NATO Political Advisors

In early May, excerpts from BIRN’s latest documentary “Does Anyone Have a Plan?” were shown at a NATO conference in Skopje, which gathered political advisors from the Balkans to discuss regional issues.

BIRN Receives One Year Support From the Netherlands

BIRN Receives One Year Support From the Netherlands

The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network has received one-year support from the Netherlands. The grant is aimed to help BIRN to create a network of journalists across the Balkans, capable of probing and analysing key transition issues and the process of European integration for policy-makers and the public at large.

Gordana Igric Panelist at Oxford University

Gordana Igric Panelist at Oxford University

Executive Director of the BIRN Regional Network Gordana Igric was a panelist in a discussion on Mitrovica and the final status of Kosovo at St Anthony’s College, Oxford University.

BIRN documentary screened at LSE

BIRN documentary screened at LSE

The screening of the BIRN TV documentary Does Anyone Have a Plan at the prestigious London School of Economics on May 8 generated a lively discussion on Kosovo’s final status.